Drawn Toward Ministry: Edgar Soriano, Mission Adelante

This is 4 of 4 in a series of posts about Mission Adelante, a ministry to the Latino and Bhutanese communities of Kansas City, Kansas. You can read about Mission Adelante’s founder, Jarrett Meek, here; the Bhutanese children’s program director, Kristen Maxwell, here; or apprentice,…

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Learning English and Meeting Jesus: Yuri Alonso, Mission Adelante

This is 3 of 4 in a series of posts about Mission Adelante, a ministry to the Latino and Bhutanese communities of Kansas City, Kansas. You can read about Mission Adelante’s founder, Jarrett Meek, here, or the Bhutanese children’s program director, Kristen Maxwell, here. “Sometimes…

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A Different Normal: Kristen Maxwell, Mission Adelante

This is 2 of 4 in a series of posts about Mission Adelante, a ministry to the Latino and Bhutanese communities of Kansas City, Kansas. You can read about Mission Adelante’s founder, Jarrett Meek, here. “It’s time to go home.” Those were the words Kristen…

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Compassion for the Foreigner: Jarrett Meek, Mission Adelante

This is 1 of 4 in a series of posts about Mission Adelante, a ministry to the Latino and Bhutanese communities of Kansas City, Kansas. “Who does God call us as believers to show special compassion to because they are vulnerable?” This is a question…

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Unlimited: Julie McLean, Champions Special Ministries

This is post 4 of 4 in a series of posts about the staff members and volunteers of Champions Special Ministries, which “serves persons with disabilities, their families, and the church through creative, engaging programs and day camps, and helps churches establish relevant ministries to…

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