The Power of “Yes”: Alison Gromer, Champions Special Ministries

This is post 1 of 4 in a series of posts about the staff members and volunteers of Champions Special Ministries, which “serves persons with disabilities, their families, and the church through creative, engaging programs and day camps, and helps churches establish relevant ministries to…

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Wrecked by Orphans: Mike and Beth Fox, founders of the GO Project

The last thing Mike Fox wanted to do was look like a missionary. He was a successful businessman and entrepreneur with plans to retire early and enjoy life. But a growing passion for serving orphans was pushing its way to the forefront of his and…

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Finding Freedom: Gina Hanna, founder of Beauty for Ashes

Gina Hanna Beauty for Ashes

When Gina was 23, she was arrested for selling marijuana to an undercover cop. The typical sentence for that offense was two years’ probation. Gina, however, received the incongruous ruling of five years’ probation, plus a prison sentence. No one looking in from the outside…

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