A Set Apart Life: Brent and Kristin Morris, Part 2

Brent & Kristin Morris family

Today’s post tells how Brent & Kristin Morris’s ministry, “set apart,” has developed since its conception. To read about what led them to start set apart, see Part 1 of their story. Since starting set apart in 2010, Brent and Kristin have faced several daunting…

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The Journey to Becoming Set Apart: Brent and Kristin Morris, Part 1

Brent and Kristin Morris (founders) are the executive director and managing director of set apart, a creative arts ministry with a discipling focus. Part 2 of their story will be posted Monday, Nov. 10. Brent Morris was studying art and playing football at William Jewell…

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Carnival Reflections, a Short Story

Below are monologues from three very different people. Imagine yourself as their friend, and take a seat beside them. 1. Oh! Hello! It’s so nice to see you again. I was wondering when you might – excuse me for just a minute, will you? JAMIE!…

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